
The liqueur

Although there are few written sources, compared to its strong oral tradition, its well known that in Roman times they fashioned wines flavored with Mirto and honey as a sweetener (as written by Catone Columella), while during the Spanish and Savoy period, the taxes limited the trade of spirits, which fueled illegal distillation.

The first specific quotes with references to local traditions date back to the early nineteenth century (Moris, vinum myrtites; Casalis, alambicchi galluresi e vario confezionar di spiriti) when the berries ripen, appreciated for their sweetness, were usually eaten as a digestive after meals or used to produce infusions based on pure alcohol or brandy. Each family had its own recipe that was treasured and handed down to future generations, but it is only in the mid-seventies that the first news reports of the production of MIRTO commercially. In 1994, Manufacturer's Association of MIRTO liqueur of Sardinia was created, in order to protect the product and the consumer, with the aim of regulating the production process, ensuring authenticity, and respecting tradition.

Currently, the MIRTO liqueur, which has the highest amount of antioxidants of the foods in the Mediterranean diet, is known as a commercial product, which contrasts the unique artisanal MIRTO liqueur which is handcrafted either at home for personal use or by small, brave businesses like Sannai.
There are 3 times of MIRTO liqueur:

  1. Red Mirto from pigmented berries
  2. White Mirto from white or pink berries
  3. Green Mirto from leaves and buds